Cindy Lou Who Wisdom
“Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?” Isaiah 55:2
Buried behind a tall stack of Christmas packages, Cindy Lou Who says, “Isn’t this all a bit much?”
Feeling adventurous, my husband and I joined the midnight madness on Black Friday two years ago. Call us crazy, we arrived at the store with a fist full of store cash, two 25% off coupons, a short gift list and a plan: get what’s on the list and dash.
Ha! Dash was more like crawl with the crowd winding around the store like a Python sneaking up on its prey. Without a cart and only a few things on the list, we snuck past the serious shoppers unscathed and two hours later, with our bargains stuffed under and over our arms, we joined the even longer checkout line coiled around the store’s perimeter.
It was then, I felt like Cindy Lou Who and thought, “Isn’t this all a bit too much?” Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for frugal shopping, I rarely purchase full-priced items, but when we find ourselves in a knot, all coiled up in material thoughts and weighed down with holiday blues because we really can’t afford all those things our family and friends can’t do without, then we need to fall back on Cindy Lou Who’s wisdom. It’s all a bit too much.
The prophet Isaiah says it this way, “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?” How many of us, after ripping open that beautifully wrapped box, feel emptier? Somehow that perfect gift is all wrong and we’re left wanting.
Adamantly, Isaiah then pleads, “Listen, listen to me and eat what is good…” What is this good food the prophet suggests? God’s Living Water that quenches every thirst and fills every desperate need until we are full and overflowing.
He goes on and promises, “…eat what is good, AND your soul will delight in the richest of fare.” Not only will He fill us, but we will be satisfied, delighted, indulged like royalty, for the reality is, we are God’s splendor.
This Christmas, when we feel overwhelmed, let’s peek beyond the pretty packages and sit and feast on God’s richest fare, His Living Water found through His Son, Jesus. Let’s celebrate His greatest gift, that holds eternal value and offer our heartfelt thanksgiving for lavishing us with His greatest gift – His only Son.
Father God,
We stand amongst the winding crowds, our arms full and our souls empty. We lay ourselves before you, Father, and ask you to quench our thirst for more with your Living Water; feed our souls with your Word, the broken bread that satisfies our hunger. Amen
Dawn Aldrich Twitter: @DawnAldrich
Dawn, I like this very much. We all need to focus at this time of year. Blessings, Diane
Great advice, Dawn. We need to keep the focus on Him.
It’s so easy to get caught up in all the “stuff” isn’t it? Slowing down and refocusing our attention on Jesus rather than the “to do list” is a deliberate choice. Talking to myself, here. 🙂
Dawn. You made me chuckle!
Glad I could spread the cheer! Merry Christmas, Pam.
I love this, Dawn. Thank you!
Thanks, Linda. Merry Christmas!