Fishing for Presents
On my December 1 post, I offered some creative ideas to help kids anticipate and enjoy the Christmas season. I invited our CCA blog followers to share their ideas and received an email from my friend, Bob Hicks.
This is what he shared:
Wanted to share, as you requested on CCA, our family tradition for gift giving Christmas Eve.
We “fished” our gifts. Mom said Grandma invented the idea during tough times. We bought small gifts, and then put a blanket across a bedroom door with all gifts in the bedroom. We rigged a pole and line, maybe a yard stick or short bamboo pole 3-4 feet. The giver went in the bedroom and hooked a gift on the line, and called for the receiver to come and “fish” out their gift over the top of the blanket. Gifts had to be tied with string so they could be hooked on the fish line. We all waited to watch each receiver open their gift.
With many small gifts, the giving and opening lasted all evening—usually until midnight. We gave pencils, chewing gum, candy, paperback books, aftershave lotion for Daddy, etc. I usually gave my sister a can of cashews.
We vied to see who would notice midnight, and yell, “Merry Christmas” first.
Merry Christmas!
Bob Hicks
Thanks for sharing this great idea. Bob!
For the special gift, I write down a Bible reference that will lead them to the gift. For example, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet” would lead them to a lamp where the next clue will be. The number of clues depends on the age of the person. Even the adults look forward to this every year. ( have a whole article that gives examples others can use if they want to email me at
Another great idea! Thanks, Donna!
What a cute idea. Thanks for sharing Bob’s story.
Love these ideas from our blog friends!