I enjoy teaching at writers’ conferences. It gives me a chance to meet some talented writers and share some of the things I’ve learned during my two decades in the world of publishing. One of the concerns I hear over and over again is the fear of being rejected. Writers are often afraid of getting a rejection notice after they submit their story—which is their pride and joy. They have spent months, if not years, agonizing over every word. They have poured their heart and soul onto every page. To have it rejected would make them feel defeated. But here’s the deal—rejection is part of the publishing process. The only way a writer will never be rejected is to never submit anything.
A story doesn’t always get rejected because it was poorly written. Most of the time it just wasn’t the right fit or the right timing for a certain publishing house. I have had stories rejected by several houses, then accepted at another one. I’ve had stories rejected by publishing houses, but published in kids’ magazines. I like to call it “redirection.” It’s a better word!
“Redirection” also makes me think of our lives as Christians. What we think we want or need, is not always what God knows is best. We might feel we are perfect for a particular job, but it might not be the right fit for us, and it might not be God’s perfect timing. We might fall in love with a house that we are sure is the right one for us, but end up losing it to another buyer. We might believe our grandkids need to live close by, when they announce they are moving out of state. We need to trust God in every area of our lives and let Him direct our paths.
So whether you are writing stories, or looking at houses, or applying for a job, or taking a trip to see the grandkids, remember that with God, there are no rejections. Redirection is a better word.
Direct my footsteps according to your word;
Psalm 119:133 NIV
Love this needed reminder! Thank you Crystal!
I like that word: Redirection!
Thanks, Ava and Penny. I like that word too!