HomeParentingEncouragementGive Poor Mama a Break!


Give Poor Mama a Break! — 7 Comments

  1. Great suggestions, Dawn, and oh, so needed by those exhausted mamas. They can also offer to trade off babysitting with friends to get some time away from the kiddos once in a while to run errands or take a well-deserved longer nap. A wonderful post!

  2. I agree with Linda: some great suggestions here!
    I remember, at a time when things were really tough when my kids were younger, trying to tell myself that it would be a time limited season. I remember finding that quite discouraging as a few more years of what I was experiencing seemed endless! Sometimes exhausted mamas need to plan ahead for regular breaks and in the meantime remind themselves that Jesus only asks them to do life one day at a time.

  3. Hi I came across your website after searching for Christian advice for getting your baby (1 year) to sleep through the night. I have a set of boy and girl twins and my son tends to wake every night around the same time – 3 am , 4am. My husband and I are both very sleep deprived so this is hard somewhat for us. I love my son and thought of just holding him but we have found that causes him to wake more often ( I am a mother of 3 – A 2 yr 11month old and a set of 11month and 21 day year old twins) – they have birthdays approaching very soon as they are almost 2 years apart exactly. Anyway this article on mommies needing a break is so what I need. I am a military stay at home mom so the challenge is that I don’t have family and friends around to help. Its a bit of a challenge getting all 3 little ones out of the house. Because my husband works it just is a little hard to do. But I so need the mental break and physical break to simply refuel daily but never really have it – so I am full of tension and exhaustion. Any advice???

    • Hi Marnie,
      I can empathize with a wakeful child. Sometimes little ones experience nightmares or are sensitive to particular stimulation. Since I don’t know your baby I can only suggest what’s worked for me. You could try running a small fan in the room to add white noise. It helps lull them to sleep and drowns out any surrounding noises.
      Regarding military life, I cannot address that but do know of several friends who are military wives and mothers. They found fellowship with other military moms on base and got involved at local churches. If I may share your comment with them, maybe they will reply and offer some more concrete advise.

      Thank you for sharing your heart and very real dilemma.

      Abba, Father, I lift Marnie and her family up to you. I know you see her and know she’s weary. Place friendships in her life that will support her and offer rest. Quiet her son and help him to sleep through the night. Amen

      • Dawn thank you so much for your response and advic. I can’t remember if I ever got back to you. Your prayer immediately calmed my spirit as I can feel the Lords rest when I read it. Bless you and thank you !

        • Hi Marnia,

          You are most welcome. Please see Sharita’s comment below. She is a personal friend and army wife. She ministers specifically to military wives through her blog 7 Days Time. I hope you two can connect.

          Blessings and peace,

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