For the past ten years I have been a mentor in a MOPS program that meets at a local church. MOPS is an organization for Mothers of Preschoolers, and the bi-monthly meetings allow moms to enjoy two hours of interacting with other moms. It’s a time to laugh until we cry, make friends, listen to speakers, play mixer games, and of course—eat. The moms and mentors take turns bringing food for our breakfast buffet, and we always bring our best recipes.
Last year I brought some delicious, warm cornbread that I made just before the meeting. I baked it in a Pyrex dish and decided to just keep it in the dish and set it on the table. I wrote “cornbread” on one of the paper labels that are provided, and set a knife next to the dish. If the dish could talk, it would have said, Help yourself if you want any. I was surprised to see that more than half of the cornbread was left over when I picked up my dish at the end of the meeting. I couldn’t believe that so few moms were interested in tasting my yummy cornbread.
Last week I made cornbread again for our MOPS meeting. Only this time I did something different. I used the same recipe, but I did not leave it in the Pyrex baking dish. After the cornbread cooled, I cut it into two-inch squares and arranged them neatly on a silver tray. On the paper label I wrote, “Mama’s Homemade Cornbread.” At the end of the meeting, the cornbread was almost gone. So what made the difference? The presentation. The neatly arranged, easy-to-pick-up pieces offered on a silver tray with a tantalizing label made the cornbread more desirable. Rather than saying, Help yourself if you want any, it said, This is too good to resist!”
So that got my blonde brain thinking about my life and my faith and how I present Christ to those around me. Does my life present Christ in a way that says, Help yourself if you want any? Or does my Christian life say to others, This is too good to resist!
As others see my life, I pray that they would desire Jesus. I want them to taste and see that the Lord is good. And that’s even better than Mama’s Homemade Cornbread!
Great thoughts, Crystal. Something to ponder. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing this thought provoking post, Crystal.
Thank you, Ladies! Isn’t cool how God can speak to us through the most everyday, ordinary circumstances? I enjoy many of your posts as well.