A Heritage
Ever wonder about the value of that old vase you inherited—the one stuck in a corner of your attic? Or how about the value of your father’s electric trains—the ones he had as a kid that you take out once a year to place around the Christmas tree? Programs such as The Antiques Roadshow are popular in part because so many people seek the answer to that question.
But a heritage is more than an item passed down from those who came before us. The Bible tells us children are also a heritage. Some translations use the word gift. The psalmist wrote:
“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them” (Psalm 127:3-5a NIV).
However, unlike a vase or a piece of jewelry, children are also a great responsibility, bringing both deep joy and deep frustration, often within the same hour!
Children bring something else, too. Their relationship with us mirrors our relationship with the Lord. We want our children to love, trust, and obey us, just as God wants us to love, trust, and obey Him. While we may indeed make sacrifices for our children, God sacrificed His Son, Jesus, to reconcile His enemies—you and me—to Him. Who among us would sacrifice our own child for the good of our enemies?
Now God calls us to share this heritage of love with the children in our lives. You may be having a terrible day today. Maybe you lost your temper with your children or grandchildren. Perhaps you broke a promise or brushed off their requests because of your own more pressing needs.
Will you take the time—now—to gather your children or grandchildren in your arms and remind them how precious they are to you? More precious than jewelry or collectable pieces, children are indeed a heritage from the Lord!
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