Being Present
I recently had the joy of spending a week on the gulf coast of Florida with some of my grandkids. My granddaughter, who is our oldest grandchild, enjoyed mixing water and sand to create a variety of sculptures—for hours! There is something about being by the seashore, with sand beneath you and a vast sky above. There is something about the sound of lapping waves and the cry of a seagull. And there is something about a child filling a bright green bucket with grains of sand that warms your heart—for hours!
I am someone who likes schedules, and most of the time I am aware of the time. Without looking at a clock, I usually know the time within minutes. But not on the beach. During the week I spent on the shore, time was something I was not aware of because it didn’t matter. Being present with my grandkids is what mattered.
I have always been a lover of nature because being in nature makes me feel close to God. I often pray when I am outdoors. I do not worship nature, but rather the Creator of nature. That week at the beach allowed me to be present with my grandkids while experiencing God’s presence.
This summer, I hope you have a chance to spend time in God’s creation with your children, grandchildren, or other children God has placed in your life. And I hope you have a chance to forget about the clock and enjoy being in the present.
“Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it.” Psalm 96:11 (NIV)
Beautiful and rich! Hoping to find a fully carefree few days somewhere this summer too.