The encouragement we need
I’ve often found that the best encouragement is the least expected sort.
This is probably because true encouragement doesn’t just build us up, or remind us of what we’re good at. Rather, it prompts us to consider deeply the motivation behind what we do, the values at stake and often sets up for us an example of someone who went before us. We are more likely to keep going when things get tough when we know of others who have trod a similar journey – and come out the other side alive!
I spent several months considering these ideas as my deadline for another children’s Bible Study loomed at the end of last year. I was writing on Hebrews 12 verses 1 to 6, a passage I selected knowing it would be slightly challenging to unpack for tweens. What I didn’t count on was the depth to which I’d have to dig in myself; grappling with the concepts, teasing out the teachable and preparing the activities and questions kids could relate to and find helpful. I knew this passage held some pretty powerful encouragement, it’s just that the encouragement it contained wasn’t the ‘let’s puff you up so you feel good about yourself’ type.
No, Hebrews 12:1-6 encourages us in a much more authentic manner. It tells us to consider those who have gone before us in faith. To keep their example in mind as motivation for perseverance, and especially to consider the example of Christ. This is what the author of Hebrews knew to be truly adequate as encouragement for a weary heart.
And following on from this pep talk is a firm reminder of the love of God evidenced by the discipline he gives his children.
Writing on this passage for those months last year wasn’t easy. Apart from the theological wrestling, my health caved in on me and left me feeling incredibly inadequate for the task I’d been given. But if there was ever a passage to focus on during such a time, it was this one.
True encouragement isn’t all light and fluffy. It’s almost the opposite. It’s honest, it’s practical, it’s constructive and grounded in love. True encouragement, Hebrews 12:1-6 tells us is the only thing that can truly give us the strength we need to keep going, no matter what.
Keep On Keeping On is published by CEP Australia and is due for release in July 2016. Enter the Goodreads giveaway for your chance to win one of 2 copies!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Keep On Keeping On
by Penny Reeve
Giveaway ends July 20, 2016.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
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