Games and Puzzles
Children enjoy games and puzzles. I’ve often written them and have 25 word search puzzles to finish for a children’s tablet. Word search puzzles help children build vocabulary and associate facts with a theme.
It’s not hard to make one. Think of a theme, like panda bears. List words associated with them like black, white, China, and bamboo. Count the longest words and you’ll know you need that many squares across and down. Once you draw the grid (or use graph paper) fill in the longest words first. Then look for where letters of other words from the word list might fit with letters already in the puzzle.
Add another level of fun by using the unused spaces to fill in with letters that will form a secret message.
Challenge yourself to write some puzzles and then work on creating some as a family.
Karen, there is a wonderful free puzzle-making webpage called It is so easy to make lots of different kinds of puzzles.