Matching Games and Teachable Moments
On July 18, Ava Pennington posted a wonderful blog about teachable moments with children—how they are often spontaneous and can occur as a response to something a child sees. I recently had a teachable moment while playing a new game with my granddaughter.
Teri McKinley and I have had the privilege of writing for Discovery House Publishers’ new line of books for children, Our Daily Bread for Kids and Our Daily Bread for Preschoolers. The publisher has created some “spin off” products such as coloring books, activity books, and music CDs. A brand new product in this line is Our Daily Bread for Kids Matching Game. The sturdy square pieces feature the characters from the first two published devotional books. From Moses at the burning bush and Jonah and the whale, to Jesus, Joseph, Mary and the apostle Paul, the colorful pictures are flipped over in order to find a matching piece.
One of the square pieces features the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples. When my granddaughter found the match she asked what the Holy Spirit was. We paused for a moment as I explained how God sent the Holy Spirit to be a helper to His people after Jesus went to heaven. I told her that everyone who has Jesus as their Savior has the Holy Spirit. I asked her if she understood and she said, “It’s God is inside of us.”
It’s wonderful to read Bible storybooks and picture books that help children learn more about God, but it’s also fun to learn more about God while searching for matching pieces.
To order Our Daily Bread for Kids Matching Game, visit your local Christian bookstore or go online to:
Here’s to finding Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, and big whales.
What a terrific idea for generating lots of teachable moments!