Praying for our kids at school: what to pray about
School years can be a time of enormous growth and blessing for the children in our lives, but they can also be incredibly challenging. This makes praying for our kids at school massively important! But what should you pray about? Sometimes it makes it easier, and helps avoid those blank stares more frequently the result of a rushed and harried morning than a lack of prayer requests, to consider several categories of prayer. Three that I’ve used in the prayer groups I’ve been a part of are: Our Children, Our School and Our Community.
Praying for our children
Pray about:
– any health needs your kids might be facing that impacts their time at school
– protection during extra-curricular activities and/or sport time
– friendship groups and strong, encouraging relationships
– any learning issues your child may have
– wisdom and peace when extra support might be required
– spiritual growth of your child within the school context
– positive opportunities for your child to talk about what they believe with their friends
– your children to be peacemakers in the playground, standing up against bullying of any kind
– etc
Praying for our school
Pray for:
– the teaching staff, for energy, enthusiasm and compassion
– protection and wisdom for teachers who believe in Jesus
– the school’s leadership
– the learning environment in each classroom
– any new policies or teaching programs that they would be positive and helpful
– an openness to the sharing of the Bible in school time
– in Christian schools, that the word of God would be taught with integrity and love
– special events in the school calendar
– wisdom for parents to know how and when to get involved and help out at school
– etc
Praying for our community
Pray about:
– the impact and relationship your school has on the wider community
– any particular needs or issues your community is facing that impacts the students at your school
– families connected to the school who you know are going through hard times
– political decisions that could impact your school
– etc.
And don’t forget to give praise too! Be mindful about watching for God to be at work in response to the prayers of your group and give thanks regularly for his faithfulness.
I’d love to hear how you pray for your kids at school. Please share your suggestions and experiences in the comments below.
Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips, Penny. Praying for our kids can make a big different in their lives!