Fear and Anxiety
Every year as the summer months draw to a close, children return to school. Many children are excited and happy; others are filled with fear and anxiety. Perhaps they are nervous about attending a new school. Perhaps they were bullied in the past or they fear being rejected. Parents should be aware of signs of fear and anxiety in their children. Does your child complain about going to school? Do they make excuses to stay home by telling you, “I don’t feel well,” “I don’t like my teacher,” or “The kids are mean”?
Children are often confronted with fear in their young lives. Fear and anxiety can be caused by a number of factors. Many children eight and older are capable of developing an intense fear based upon past experiences, such as an injury, the death of a loved one, or even a natural disaster. Fear can be caused by a real threat to safety, but it can also involve “apprehension without apparent cause.” This occurs when a child feels a threat is real even though it is not. We have all heard of the term “separation anxiety,” but we are also very familiar with fears that are not based in reality, such as having a fear of ghosts and monsters after viewing a scary movie, (even G-rated movies can sometimes be scary for little ones).
These fears are a normal part of growing up, and as parents, we need to help our children navigate these feelings. God’s word states, “Cast your cares on the Lord, and he will sustain you” (Psalm 55:22, NIV). The psalmist affirms, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (Psalm 56:3, NIV). There are many verses to comfort our fears in the Bible, for we have a loving Father who desires to turn our fear into faith!
The third book, newly released this year, in my multiple award-winning, Adventures of the Sea Kids series, specifically addresses fear. I’m Not Afraid aims to help little ones seek Jesus in prayer when they are faced with fear or anxiety. The captivating story, colorfully illustrated with a hidden Bible symbol to find on every page, has proven a favorite among parents, teachers, and especially children. I know it will become a favorite in your family too! Order your copy today from GLMPublishing.net (which stands for God Loves Me Publishing) and receive a free door hanger gift!
I used to place my hand on their little heads and pray over them before they went to school. Remember to cover your children in prayer daily!
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