Joyful Work
I’ve always found it a bit contradictory that we celebrate Labor Day in the United States by enjoying a day off from the very work we are celebrating.
For 20 years I commuted to a job in New York City. I loved my career, but often worked long, tiring days that sapped my joy. I looked forward to vacations and the opportunity to exchange my work schedule for times of play.
For little children, their play is their work. Their joy overflows as they develop new skills, refine their dexterity, and build up coordination. They clap in delight when they achieve new milestones in learning colors, shapes, letters, or numbers. Most of all, they rejoice in their relationships with us. And that touches our hearts, too.
As we grow into adults, we seem to lose those free displays of joy. Our prayers may lack the elation they had when we were young. We moderate our delight in the name of maturity. Our service for the Lord can appear to be a burden. But God tells us to delight in Him, inviting us to worship Him with gladness and shout for joy because we know His Son, Jesus.
Every time I read Psalm 100, it brings a broad smile to my face. Consider the first two verses—surely they proclaim the joy Christians are to have:
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs” (NIV).
How is it possible, then, that some Christians go about their days with long faces and grumpy spirits? If you ask them how they are, they respond with a deep sigh and a resigned, “As well as can be expected under the circumstances.” They’re unhappy at work and they’ve forgotten how to play. “Joyful work” becomes an oxymoron.
God doesn’t want us to live under the circumstances. He wants us to live with a joyful dependence on Him while at work and at play. All too often, we adults allow our trials to sap your joy. Perhaps this is one area where we need to be the students and allow children to be our teachers.
Will you rejoice in the Lord today despite your circumstances? Share your joy. When you do, it’s contagious!
And don’t forget to have a happy Labor Day!
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