Keeper of the King’s Son
It’s an honor for me to welcome my daughter, Teri McKinley, as my guest author for today. This article is from an online devotional, published by Discovery House:
The birth of a new baby is always exciting. But the entire world is fascinated by the births of babies into the British royalty. These events sparked my interest in an elite occupation I hadn’t given much thought to previously: the royal nannies. Can you imagine what an honor it would be to care for the king’s children? It’s a job that no one would take lightly. These individuals are responsible for raising the royal children according to the monarch’s instructions. They are accountable for the way they care for, teach, and love his little ones. They must answer to the king for all their actions.
As a new mom, I realize that I too am a keeper of a king’s son. But the King I serve isn’t just the ruler of a nation—He is the almighty God of the entire universe! If you have children in your life, whether by birth or some other relationship, you share the same duty. God has clearly instructed us in His Word to raise children according to His commands. We are supposed to teach them persistently. The task can seem overwhelming, but Deuteronomy tells us how to do it: we can talk to our children when we are walking outside, showing them the beautiful things God created. We can teach them when we wake up, giving thanks for all He provides. And we can share Bible teachings with them as they snuggle in our laps.
Just like Britain’s royal nannies, we will be held accountable for the way we care for the King’s children. Let us not take this responsibility lightly. Even today, may we read the truth of God’s Word to our children. It is a great honor.
“You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” — —Deuteronomy 6:7 ESV
Teri McKinley is the co-author of Our Daily Bread for Kids, Our Daily Bread for Preschoolers, My Mama and Me, and M is for Manger. She and her husband live in Texas and are the happy parents of a precious son.
I loved this post! I lecture about the “Bride of Christ” and how we all are royalty! It is such a great message. I am so happy to read your post that states, “We are supposed to teach them persistently.” We need to be persistent in our endeavour to teach our children God’s commands and to let them know that they are not what the world says they are, they are royalty!
Terrific post! Takes the thought of our being children of the King to the next generation!