Sitting in the quiet times
I wonder what your week’s been like?
Mine’s been a little crazy. In fact, I’ve probably had a couple of crazy weeks; full of outings and activities and issues that have felt far too big for me to carry, let alone process.
Sometimes life’s like that. We have ups and downs and crazy times. We get used to it. We think it’s normal and slowly we adjust until it is normal. The boundaries of what we expect from ourselves, and each other, shift without us even noticing. We become tired. Frazzled. Short tempered and unable to stop.
But stopping is exactly what we need because it’s in the stopping times we are able to reset the vision. We can acknowledge the short change encounters we’ve been giving our kids. We can listen to the weariness of our bodies and plan for recovery – real recovery. We can rethink the default ‘Yes’ answer that rolls off our tongue before we’ve really considered the consequences. And, importantly, we can allow ourselves to feel the grief, disappointment, anxiety, fear even, of whatever issues are swirling in the backgrounds of our lives, then take those feelings to God.
So why don’t we go ahead and click that little red x in the top right hand corner of our screen. Or press the off button on our phone. Take ourselves outside. Sit in the sun or lie on the kids’ trampoline and stare up at the stars. Do nothing. Be still. Find quiet even if we’re the only ones who will. We need to . If only to remind ourselves that crazy isn’t the One who’s been put in charge!
Oh, I could write more about this. But I won’t, not today.
You and I have something more important to do, don’t we?
Yes! I’m learning the value of resting or taking a walk instead of going, going, going. It’s not only better for my body, it’s also better for my creativity. It also helps that the weather in South Jersey is turning its face toward Fall. I took a walk this morning without sweating! *happy sigh*
I agree, taking a walk is great too. I’ve got a favourite spot down near the river. I like to walk, and then sit and slow down enough to notice the sounds and way light plays on the surface of the water. Rushing around doesn’t leave space for these types of acknowledgements, does it?
Nope, it doesn’t. I also take pictures of tree roots and flowers and leaves. The crane who lives near our irrigation pond. Butterflies. Stuff like that. Lots of “scope for the imagination”, especially as most of my writing is fantasy based with Biblical-inspired lessons If we fill our creative brains with good input, we’ll have better stories.