Halloween makes me uneasy. Always has. Ghoulish images, horror films, ghost stories, visions of death and destruction that seem to permeate this “holiday” doesn’t intrigue me one bit. I find all that disturbing and avoid all contact with such imagery.
Scripture says it this way: Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (Philippians 4:8 NLT)
Scary images don’t contrive anything honorable, right, pure, lovely or admirable so, I don’t open myself up to those images. Why? Because I know my mind, especially my subconscious, would fixate on them and do me harm.
But what about all the fun? As Christians, do we have to become Halloween party poopers? Not at all, but we need to understand which traditions are worth celebrating and why.
Throughout history, the lines between pagan and Christian holidays blur, like Halloween. Hallowe’en in British tradition, is the marriage of the Gaelic festival of Samhain (lord of death) and All Saints Day. In an attempt to override the celebration of death, Pope Gregory IV, changed the May 1st celebration of All Saints Day (commemorating all passed saints), to November 1st, using October 31st (festival of Samhain) as a commemoration of All Saints Eve (All Hallows Eve). During the night, families would pray for their deceased loved ones and upon their return home, would feast on pancakes, curds and cider around the hearth. Later, this turned into begging for “soul cakes” door-to-door and in return, the beggars would offer prayers for the deceased loved ones of the home. Now, our modern-day trick-or-treat.*
Regardless, tradition does not make something right. But let me offer this: as Christians, we can bring Jesus’ light into the darkness. We can celebrate the hope of life after death. We can celebrate the harvest that God has blessed us with. We can celebrate our family, past and present.
So, what does that look like? It is goodness. God is good (in the midst of evil) and, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV).
Here’s my GOOD Halloween guidelines:
- Generate boundaries. Ex. Safe, family-oriented, harvest celebrations, positive secular or Christian-based character costumes.
- Open your heart and home for alternative, positive festivities based upon the above. Reach out to your children’s friends and your neighbors.
- Operate out of love. When your child pushes back, take time to explain why you’ve decided to celebrate in a God-honoring way. Be inclusive with neighbors and friends, not preachy. Live your witness and love your neighbors (and their children).
- Discuss the reality of good and evil in this world age-appropriately. Explain that while there is a real Satan, Jesus has overcome him and all the darkness in the world. If we believe in Jesus and have an intimate relationship with him, the same Holy Spirit lives within us and empowers and protects us from all evil.
Whatever your tradition, have a safe and happy fall.
*(To learn more, go to http://www.history.com/topics/halloween/history-of-halloween, http://www.catholiceducation.org/en/culture/catholic-contributions/all-hallow-s-eve.html, http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/holydays/halloween_1.shtml)
Wonderful! I wholeheartedly agree.
Thanks Janice. Happy autumn!
I couldn’t agree more, Dawn. Thanks for a terrific post.
You are most welcome! Such a hard topic but always one that caused me angst as a Christian mom.
Halloween – such a hot topic for Christians. I’ve swung from wholeheartedly participating to not participating at all to finding middle ground. A friend gave me a great idea and I took it and made it my own. I set up my front porch with pumpkins and mums and such, made a huge pot of chili, grilled hot dogs, baked cookies and had chips and pickles and all the fixings and invited all my neighbors. And I fed any hungry parents who came right from work to take their little ones trick or treating. Some friends came to have dinner with us before they took their kids out. It was a smash hit and people came year after year. When anyone asked me why I did it, I simply said I wanted to bless them.
Now, we live with my MIL way out in the country. One neighbor (cousins who own the family farm) and no trick or treaters at all. I miss it. So, last year I invited friends for dinner and we enjoyed each others company. This year, I’m celebrating the 50th Anniversary of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. We’ll have all sorts of pumpkin fun and food. And none of us have young children anymore. We just like to be together. 🙂
Oh, Pam what fantastic ideas!! We, too, have moved outside of town and only get 5 trick-or-treaters, but I think I may adopt the dinner party idea. How fun!
A few years ago going trick or treating with my grandkids, we came to a house that had set up a pop-up booth where they had grilled hot dogs, drinks, and snacks for anyone. We were so pleasantly surprised by their generosity and friendliness! Their neighbors were gathered there for the fun event with them. We talk about that experience with great fondness. That is such a great idea to share with freinds and relatives. I’m sure you are making great memories to share with your family and friends. Thank you for sharing your ideas. God bless you.
Thanks for stopping by Aggie. It’s good to hear all of all these generous people. Thanks for sharing.
I do love feeding people, and as an extrovert, my theme has been “the more, the merrier”. hahahaha!! It also gave me the opportunity to witness to people when they asked why I did it. I’m not an in-your-face-over-the-top Christian, though. I prefer to quietly tell people I want to bless them because God has blessed me. Sometimes that leads to deeper discussion – sometimes it doesn’t. Whatever God wants. 🙂
Completely agree! Thanks for sharing, Dawn. I loved your “Good” guide.
I feel like it’s worth mentioning that although we can do a “costume” type celebration that doesn’t offend God, other people in our neighborhood may sincerely celebrate the evil traditions. I’ve heard from repented self-described witches, who described people placing curses over the candy they passed out to children. Needless to say, people who were in that lifestyle and have converted often beg Christian parents to not celebrate it in any way. I’ve taken those warnings to heart, despite having celebrated as a child myself.