Better than tea!
My daughter and I were recently out shopping. We’d checked most things off our list. Our bags were full, our feet were sore (You know how it is), and then we spotted T2.
T2 is a store that sells tea. I’m not sure what the 2 stands for as it really only does sell tea. Tea cups, tea canisters, black tea, fruit tea, tea bags, loose tea. Tea.
But it’s a lovely store to visit. So many pretty things to look at and best of all there is always a counter upon which is displayed several made up teas for would-be customers to sample.
And sample we did: Fruitalicious, Pomegranate Punch, Spiced Chai.
Some we liked (Strawberries and Cream is particularly lovely!). Others we didn’t (sorry – that murky green one wasn’t for me). No matter how many customers come into the store in one day, those canisters and teapots are always full because the T2 staff are confident tasting will result in buying!
And that got me thinking. Not about tea, but about God and the confidence the writer of the 34th Psalm had he suggested that we ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’ (Psalm 34:8).
The media, our social circles and even the books we read are full of a skepticism or even antagonism towards God. Doubt and disbelief is common. I imagine it may have been similar for some people in the times of the psalmist. But, despite expectations, he doesn’t introduce God to people with the threat of indoctrinating Bible bashing. He is so assured of the goodness of God, so convinced of the privilege and wonder of a relationship with Him, that he simply suggests we give God a try.
And what do we do? Are we willing to put down our baggage and consider what’s on offer? Or are we too busy ticking off our own achievements, carrying our heartache and marching on in self reliance?
If tea can be worth stopping to taste, God must be so much better.
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