Christmas is Coming Around the Corner
November and the Christmas season are just around the corner. It will be advent before I write my next post, so I wanted to chat about being prepared before the busyness starts.
Our family always looked forward to the ADVENTure of the season with the lighting of candles in a wreath, with one more light added each week. My son James, now a dad himself, asked me to write a book about our traditions and so, I did.
Each week of advent has a name and an associated virtue.
Week 1: The Prophet Candle, Hope
Week 2: The Bethlehem Candle, Love
Week 3: The Shepherd Candle, Joy
Week 4: The Angel Candle, Peace
Those themes are great for reflecting on as we draw closer to the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It starts with a look back at the hopeful prophecies of a coming king and savior.
It’s great to look up prophecies and choose a project to bring hope to others, like a name and need on an angel tree.
Next, we look towards the humble place of the birth in a stable, in a town whose name means house of bread. The name reflects the depth of God’s plans since Jesus called himself the Bread of Life, the one born in a place where wheat grew who would satisfy the hunger of our souls.
Baking and preparing food ahead of the season lessens the rush of the last few days before Christmas.
We focus on the reason God sent Jesus and the reason he came and that is all summed up with the word love.
The third week, is a time to focus on the joy of the shepherds when they saw Jesus and the wonder of angels singing in the sky.
Listen to and sing carols.
Discuss how Jesus came to be our shepherd and how we should follow him.
The last week is a full week this time. The angel candle is a reminder of the role the angels played from announcing the birth of two sons, John the Baptist, and Jesus, to sharing the good news with the first visitors.
Be secret angels to one another by doing good deeds.
Spread peace through caring and putting others first.
Get your candles and wreath ready before the first day of advent (November 27th) and be ready to reflect, as a family, a few minutes every day. That helps prepare hearts and slows the pace for a short time daily.
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