Making Jesus Accessible to Littles
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16 NIV
My one-year-old grandson’s eyes lit up as he quickly noticed all the Christmas decorations around the house.
Climbing out of his father’s arms, he couldn’t creep fast enough to the front bay window where our miniature tree stood, adorned with bright red hearts. Too colorful to resist, he grabbed a heart and his high-pitched squeal announced his accomplishment.
There’s no greater joy than to experience Christmas through a child’s eyes! Their sparkle, their curiosity, their building anticipation for Christmas Day through every detail of preparation awakens my own senses to the awe and excitement of Jesus’ birth.
My grandson crept his way from the miniature tree, past the festive Christmas mugs in the China cabinet, to his great, great grandmother’s nativity perched upon the blanket of cottony white snow in the next room. While I toyed with the idea of making this untouchable, God whispered, “Make me approachable.” So, cuddled up on my lap, my grandson and I carefully held each piece, one at a time, in our hands while I told of its role in the Christmas story.
“Here is baby Jesus, God’s son, who came to save us so we can live in heaven with him someday.”
“This is Mary, his mommy, and Joseph, his daddy.”
“Here’s the donkey that Mary rode upon all the way to Bethlehem.”
And so on, from angels to shepherds, wise men and camels. I let him hold each one because he needs to know that Jesus is always accessible and touchable. The Christmas story, the good news that Jesus brought us–that He is God’s son come down to live among us–was to make God accessible to every human being.
How do you make Jesus accessible to your little ones?
I love this idea, Dawn! Thank you for posting it!
My pleasure, Carol. Merry Christmas!
Dawn, I’m so glad you let your little grandson handle those nativity figures.. not just because they tell the story of Jesus, but because they tell part of that little boy’s story too. It’s so important to let our children wonder at, and hold, family heirlooms. It nurtures their spirituality and gives them a sense of who they are, where they have come from, and how they fit into the bigger story of their own family, as well as God’s big family. Happy Christmas!
Great perspective Glenys.