Three Reasons to Give Kids Devotionals
Devotionals are popular gifts at birthdays and Christmas. Perhaps you are wrapping up your shopping for a child or preteen. Your family may be following the four gift tradition: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. Maybe you are following three gifts, as Jesus received three gifts – something they want, something to help them grow in their walk with God, and something to wear. Maybe you are looking for a single, meaningful gift for a special child in your life. Giving a devotional to a child is a popular gift for three reasons.Christmas Signals the Coming of the New Year
Just after Christmas, people are looking ahead to the New Year. A personal devotional time in New Year resolutions is important for children, teens, and adults. What can be more important than to resolve to grow closer to God?
Devotionals Encourage Routine
Devotionals are broken down into small, daily studies of the Bible. Reading one entry each day helps a child or teen develop the routine of studying God’s Word.
Devotionals Help Children Explore the Bible on Their Own
Ultimately, it is critical for a child to turn to the Bible for answers to the big questions of life. Parents and teachers will not always be around to guide the child in spiritual matters. Truth for questions, struggles, pain, joy, and worship are found in the Bible. A devotional can introduce a heartfelt topic and guide the child to explore the Bible on their own.
What reasons would you add to this list? Do you plan to give devotionals to the children and teens on your gift list this year?
Carol McAdams Moore, you have done so much to make interesting inspirational materials available to grandmothers like me for gift giving. Thank you for your dedication to the spiritual life of the next generation. Your thoughtful article made me re=evaluate my gift giving this season.
Thank you, Cleo. That means a lot to me, coming from a fellow author and grandmother.
I’m excited to give my grandchildren YOUR devos, Carol! Although I’m planning to wait until Easter so my grandson will be better able to understand. He’ll be nine on April 8th. A perfect age – and he already enjoys journals like the Wimpy Kid one where he gets to fill in the blanks and draw pictures.