Investing in a Writing Career – Specialty Dictionaries
Are you an aspiring children’s author? Maybe you are already published, but you are looking for resources for your writing library. Last week, I posted about children’s dictionaries and how they can boost the word choice used in writing for kids. Today, let’s take a look at specialty dictionaries.The Flip Dictionary is a staple for authors who write for all ages. Each entry includes a list of related terms, words that you might use if writing about a particular topic. For example, if you are writing about praise, the Flip Dictionary lists 41 related words. Some are synonyms; others are different word forms or words that might be categorized as having to do with praise.
Rhyming dictionaries are also specialty dictionaries used by children’s writers. Although rhyming is difficult to do well in the writing craft, there are many times that rhyming words come in handy. The Webster’s Rhyming Dictionary is one of many useful resources in this category. Words to Rhyme With is another.
Do you use specialty dictionaries in your writing? If so, please share with us here.
That’s pretty cool! Thanks for sharing.