Redefining Your Passion -or- When Life Interrupts

Image by Lew(tomswift)Holzman_Flickr.com_4837657_CC BY-ND 2.0
But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. 1 Timothy 5:4 NIV
Passion – the past decade’s buzz word. Discover your passion and immerse yourself in it and your days will overflow with joy! But sometimes, do you ever find yourself scratching your head wondering if you got it all wrong? You realize one morning your passion’s steeped in hard work and toil overflows more than joy?
So, you sit back and wonder where you miss-stepped and how your passionate giddy traded itself for toilsome groans. Or, maybe you find yourself pushing your passion aside making room for immediate needs, emergencies, and family crises and during a rare solitary moment you ask yourself when your desire will ever return; question if it truly was your heart’s desire.
For years, writing defined my passion; that pursuit for the perfect words, rhythm and flow. But, when family crises unfurled in 2013- and continue full force like a runaway freight train- I set aside my writing without hesitation to serve my loved ones in need. Truth be told, the words laid themselves down; ran scarce before I realized they were gone.
Week after week with barely a word scratched down, I discovered that words and the writing were not my true passion.
That’s right! I confess it here before you all – writing is not my passion! But, I discovered what is my true passion: F A M I L Y. Family is my true passion – the nurturing and caring and relationships. When I reminisce, it’s not the writing I recall (although it’s been my favorite form of expression), but rather, it’s the family moments and the God-in-the-midst-of-family moments that I remember most.
When a loved one suffers, I suffer. When they call for help, I drop everything (even my words) and tend to their needs if I’m able. What better way to express my love even if I grow weary and at times seems more toil than joy? Timothy spoke of this in 1 Tim. 5:4 and defined caring for our loved ones as “putting (our) religion into practice” a form of “repaying (our) parents and grandparents” for all they’ve sacrificed for us. And, he said, “this is pleasing to God.”
Yes, writing is my sweet spot; it makes my lips curl upwards and sets my heart singing, but family is my real passion, my message and passing God’s teachings and love from generation to generation is my greatest joy.
What’s your heart’s greatest passion or desire? How do you make time for it when life interrupts?
Taking a breath,
I have no idea what my true passion is anymore. I have an adult special needs daughter who lives with us, and we now live with my MIL who has dementia. It’s been a little over 2 years. It’s the most stressful thing I’ve ever done on purpose. And I’m at the point where I can’t do much of anything creative. I keep plugging along at my writing and sewing, but I have no joy in it. I’m worn down and exhausted and desperately unhappy. So … I’m searching for a Christian counselor. I’ve done counseling in the past and it helped. It’s time to try again. Past time, rather. A good goal will be for me to find my true passion, so this is a timely post. Thanks, Dawn!
Hugs to you Pam.
thanks …
Hello Pam,
We’ve spoken on this before, and trust me, I do understand how exhausting caring for multiple loved ones with high level needs can be. It’s healthy to care for yourself in the midst of this, so getting help, whether physical or emotional, is of high importance. My heart goes out to you. Take care of you so that there is something left of you to offer to those loved ones.
Yes, we have talked and I appreciate that. I have an appt. tomorrow morning (Wed) with a counselor and am looking forward to getting some help.