Investing in a Writing Career – A Market Guide
We have been looking at ways to invest in your writing career. Adding a few resource books can be a simple, ongoing investment. So far, we have looked at dictionaries, specialty dictionaries, and thesauruses. But what should you do when you have finished a piece of writing or a book proposal? Where should it go? Maybe you are looking for a publisher or an agent to represent your work. Perhaps you want to submit writing to magazines. Another book that is valuable in the writer’s library is The Christian Writers Market Guide.
This valuable resource is published annually. Think of it as a guide book for your next step in writing and marketing your craft. Agent Steve Laube is the author of the 2017 edition. The book contains a foreward by award-winning author Jerry B. Jenkins of the Left Behind series.
What is included in The Christian Writers Market Guide?
According to Amazon,
The Christian Writers Market Guide 2017 is the most comprehensive and highly recommended resource on the market for finding an agent, an editor, a publisher, a publicist, a writing coach, or a place to sell whatever you are writing.
Divided into sections, this resource has lists of contacts in each of the areas listed, valuable go-to information when you are looking for the right person to contact with your work.
Why would an author purchase a market guide every year?
The publishing industry is fast-paced. The contact person for a given publisher may change. The needs of a publisher will change, too, based on the current trends in the industry.
In addition to changing contact information, new entries and resource sections are added. Often, the resources are articles and interviews geared towards the Christian author.
Have you used The Christian Writers Market Guide?
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Thanks for reminding us of this great resource, Carol!