What a Bragger!

What A Bragger!
by LeeAnn Mancini
Illlustrated by Dan Sharp
GLM Publishing 2015
What a Bragger! stole my heart. The second book in author, Lee Ann Mancini’s, multiple award-winning Sea Kids Adventures book series, tackles the tough subject of unconditional love.
Who likes a bragger? We’ve all encountered one or two in our lives, but how we react to them may make all the difference to them and to us. That’s what I liked about this story. Rather than focusing the reader on Melissa, the bragging puffer fish, she turns the reader’s attention to the reactive friend, Corey.
Complaining to his parents about Melissa’s constant bragging, Corey is challenged to look beyond her words for a reason for her bragging and teach her how to be a good friend by loving her unconditionally; by loving her like Jesus would love her.
Corey does discover why Melissa brags so much, and with the help of his teacher, Miss Mermaid, Corey rallies his classmates to show Melissa the true meaning of friendship and love.
As in her previous book, Mancini prints a theme verse on the bottom of the copyright page. For this book she chose 1 Corinthians 13:13, “And now these three things remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (NIV).
The book ends with her signature sign off, “Remember, kids, to say your prayers and always have Jesus in your heart.”
Finally, she lures the children to reread her book while searching for a new hidden symbol. What a great way to enjoy the colorful, whimsical illustrations of artist, Dan Sharp.
I award this book *****
Recommended ages: 3 yrs – 8 yrs
ISBN 13: 978-0-9863-6042-8 Hard cover or ISBN 10: 0-9863-6042-2 Soft cover
You may learn more about Lee Ann Mancini and her books here.
Thank you, Dawn! This story is based on my own childhood memories.