I’m Not Afraid!

I’m Not Afraid!
by Lee Ann Mancini
Illustrated by Dan Sharp
GLM Publishing, 2016
I’m Not Afraid! How many times have we tried convincing ourselves or our friends we’re brave while, in fact, we’re shaking-in-our-shoes fearful?
In her third book of the multiple award-winning Sea Kids Adventures series, author, Lee Ann Mancini artfully teaches children (and adults) how Jesus turns our fears into faith.
Susie the shark and her friend, Rachel the octopus enjoy a fun-filled day together at the Undersea Amusement Park. But, try as she might, Rachel cannot coax Susie to ride the Whale-Back Roller Coaster. Susie feeds Rachel excuse after excuse why it’s not “time” to ride the roller coaster until, finally, Rachel confronts Susie with the truth. “You’re just a scaredy-cat!”
Oh, how I can relate! It takes an entire day of my family coaxing me, pleading with me to join their roller coaster fun when we’re at the amusement park. And just like Susie, I make up every excuse I can think of, when the truth is, I’m simply a scaredy-cat.
In the story, a panicked Susie excuses herself to call home. Susie’s mother reassures her that fear is okay, but that Jesus can help turn our fears into faith if we simply ask him. What an amazing lesson for all of us, yes?
This book relates well both to children and adults, but the suggested reading audience would be for 3 yrs – 8 yrs old. My eight year old grand daughter simply loved this story!
I award this book *****.
GLM Publishing, 2016
ISBN -13: 978-0-9863-6044-2 Hardcover or ISBN – 10: 0-9863-6043-0
You may learn more about Lee Ann Mancini and her books here.
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