FREE Men of the Bible Coloring Page-Elijah
I enjoy reading Elijah’s story in the Bible. It’s full of ups and downs, victories and questions. It’s full of all the emotions each of us face every day. How many times does God show us that He has a plan? How many times does He take care of the smallest need? How many times does He amaze us by the creative and perfect way He shows up at just the right time and in just the right way? Elijah witnessed God do many miracles. In 1 Kings 17:1-7, he was the direct recipient of the blessing. God had told him to give a message to the king – a message the king did not want to hear. God sent Elijah into hiding, out of the angry king’s reach. He sent Elijah to a place He had already chosen for him, a hiding place in the Kerith Ravine near a brook. God sent him food twice a day and chose ravens to deliver it. Later, when the brook dried up, God sent him to a needy widow whom God blessed through Elijah.
As you share Elijah’s story with your children, help them see that God always knows where we are and what we need. We’re never out of His sight or His reach.
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