A Joyful Noise
I love to sing. I don’t do it very well, so I try not to sing too loudly in public. But when I’m in my car with the radio turned up, I shed my self-consciousness and belt out praise to the Lord.
Children don’t have that sense of self-consciousness. If they are happy or have a favorite song, we know it.
Their joy—and their singing—is uninhibited. That’s what makes their praise so special. It comes from the heart without any preoccupation. No holding back!
Try not to stifle that heartfelt praise, even if you mean well. A raised eyebrow at off-key notes, a slight shake of the head to show they’re singing too loudly, or a finger to the lips to silence them completely can all convey a crushing message. If you can’t sing perfectly, then don’t sing at all.
What we may not realize is that praise from the untrained voice of a child can be sweeter than the most polished choir. The Lord delights in the praises of His children, from the youngest to the oldest! The Bible describes it this way:
“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him.
“Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, “From the lops of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?” (Matthew 21:16 NIV).
For those whose only desire is to praise the One to whom they belong, a joyful noise can be the best music of all.
So let’s be careful to let the little children—and the not-so-little children—come to Jesus. And don’t be afraid of singing off-key!
Children singing is one of my favorite sounds!
Me, too, Glenys!