Back to School – Biblical Worldview
Dr. Mary Drabik, (Doctor of Christian Education) is filling in for me with words of wisdom!
If Adam and Eve were deceived in the Garden, with the perfect environment, what makes us think Satan cannot deceive us and our children today?
A worldview is any ideology, philosophy, theology, movement or religion that provides man with an overarching approach to understanding God, the world, and man’s relations to God and the World. One’s worldview is the cognitive, faith-based, pre-conceptional guide for ALL life’s decisions!
- Let me put it this way. I have often said, “The youth of today will be the church of tomorrow.” But I’m afraid I can’t say that anymore because if we don’t do something now to re-educate our kids in the foundations of the Christian faith, the young people we’re counting on to lead the church into the next generation won’t even be in the church of the next generation ~ Josh McDowell
In today’s society, we see a new in your face ungodliness. Young Christian people head to college and often lose their faith before their sophomore year. Today the Church of Jesus Christ desperately needs leaders who will return to the timeless paths of eternal truth that God has always honored and blessed.
The Bible charges parents with the responsibility to train their children in the way they should go so when they are older they shall not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). We need to teach our children the truth of the Word of God; they are never too young to learn. A child will learn more from the ages of 0-5, then they will their entire life. Instill a Biblical Worldview in your children early.
Guest Blogger – Dr. Mary Drabik, President South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary, 1100 S. Federal Highway Deerfield Beach, Fl 33441
This is definitely an issue. I look at our church and see a large gap: we have our elderly, some middle agers, two young adults, and a few kids. Satan is at work to pull our young people away and we must be ever vigilant to bring up our children in the ways of the Lord.
Thank you, Cheryl, that is why we need to target them before the age of five. We need that foundational corner stone, Christ Jesus, planted deep into their minds and souls!