Like My Teacher
It’s back-to-school time and my thoughts are turning to teachers…
I am blessed to have been taught by some excellent teachers, Not all were in a classroom. Many came into my life through the years to mentor, encourage, and train me in different life areas. Some were managers in the workplace. Others served alongside me at church. Still others were friends who modeled the reality of living for Christ.
Jesus was the Son of God who came to live a sinless life and die in our place to pay for our sin. His resurrection proved that He conquered sin, death, and the devil.
But He was also a teacher. He showed people the heart of their heavenly Father and taught them how to live in response to the love and grace of a holy God.
God may be calling you to teach others without ever entering a classroom. What skills can you share with the people in your life? What biblical truths have you internalized that they need to know? Who is in your sphere of influence? They might include coworkers, fellow church attendees, family members, and especially the children God brings into your life.
The Bible tells us:
“A student is not above his teacher but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40 NIV).
I will always be appreciative of those who taught me and invested their lives in me. One way I can show my gratitude is to be the same kind of teacher to others…all the while pointing them to the greatest Teacher of all.
Thanks for your inspiring post, Ava. We often tend to think of teachers as those in a formal classroom setting. Yet–as you rightly point out–teachers can be found in any situation where we learn from the experience of others.
Your post encouraged me to be more aware of what I am teaching by my life–especially when I am with children. Thank you!
“Heart-Mending Stories for the Young
and the Young-at-Heart”
Thank you, MaryAnn.