Royal Inheritance
Disney has done a magnificent job of creating “princess envy” among our little girls. Year after year, some of the most popular Halloween costumes for young girls are the princess costumes. Cinderella. Snow White. Sleeping Beauty.
But little girls aren’t the only ones enamored by the concept of a royal inheritance. Consider the following scenario…
You gather a stack of envelopes from your mailbox. Bills. Advertisements. Ahhh, but one envelope bears the return address of an unfamiliar law firm. With shaky hands, you tear it open. Is it a lawsuit? A collection notice? No. It’s notification of a bequest from the estate of a long-lost relative…a wealthy, long-lost relative.
You and I don’t have to fantasize about inheriting a valuable bequest. The Bible tells us we have already received an inheritance. It’s one that will never spoil, wear out, or run out. But sometimes we live like orphans, as if this inheritance is for someone else.
- We allow fear to control us, forgetting our heavenly Father will never leave us nor forsake us.
- We cling to unforgiveness, forgetting how much God has forgiven us.
- We avoid serving the Lord because it will be difficult or inconvenient, forgetting that God is El Shaddai, the all-sufficient God who empowers us to accomplish what He has called us to do.
Why would we live as orphans when we have this imperishable inheritance? Maybe it’s because we’re too absorbed with this temporary life, and not focused enough on eternal values. We spend our lives amassing things—houses, cars, bank accounts, stuff.
The older I get, the less attractive temporal things become. Maybe it’s because I’ve learned the hard way that stuff doesn’t satisfy. Perhaps it’s because I’ve lost people who are precious to me and I long for the day when I’ll see them again. Or it could be because, as this body begins to creak and complain, I long to be in a glorified body in the presence of the Lord of creation who bequeathed this inheritance to me.
While you and I are still here, are we teaching the children in our life that the best inheritance is not the one they will receive from us? Rather, the best inheritance is one that can never perish:
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade” (I Peter 1:3-4).
It’s time to stop living as orphans and remember who we are: children of the King!
Thank you, Ava, for your outstanding post! May we always keep our eyes on “the things that are not seen.”
Absolutely, MaryAnn!
Love this reminder of who we truly are! It’s amazing that fairy tales can tell us about the gospel that is a message grounded in fact. Snow White takes a bite of the poison fruit given to her by an evil one and falls into a death-like sleep. Her prince comes to rescue her from death and takes her to his lovely palace where they will live forever. Sounds familiar!
Very familiar, Lee Ann! 🙂
Thank you, Linda!
What a fantastic reminder of all we have to look forward to in the presence of our King! Thank you, Ava. God bless!
Thank you, Rene!
‘Stuff doesn’t satisfy’. Amen to that Ava!