Training Them Up
Christ, the Cornerstone of Truth
There is a saying about children that goes, “If you don’t teach them, the world will!” That is a frightening thought! Just look at the spiritual landscape of America today. In recent years, there has been a rapid growth in what many are calling “New Spirituality,” a worldview that emphasizes the supernatural along with dissatisfaction with traditional institutions. This worldview claims that everyone ultimately prays to the same god or spirit. In addition, it asserts that “meaning and purpose come from becoming one with all that is,” and it promotes the concept of karma, the idea that if you do good to others, good will come your way. In other words, New Spirituality reduces the true God to a spiritual being who helps those who help themselves.
Here are some statistics.
- 28% of Christians have embraced the notion that “all people pray to the same god or spirit, no matter what name they use for that spiritual being.”
- 27% of Christians agree that “meaning and purpose come from becoming one with all that is.”
- 32% of Christians agree that “if you do good, you will receive good, and if you do bad, you will receive bad.”
- 52% of practicing Christians strongly agree that the Bible teaches us that “God helps those who help themselves.”
- Overall, at least 61% of practicing Christians embrace at least one of the ideas rooted in New Spirituality.
These statistics are scary. We need to reinforce our children’s understanding of biblical truths early on in life. In fact, we should try to ensure that Jesus Christ becomes the cornerstone of their lives within their first five years on this earth! Our goal should be for our children to say, “I love Mommy and Daddy and Jesus.” In addition to teaching our children to pray to Jesus, let’s read them books that show other children interacting with Jesus and putting their trust in Him as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. After all, if we do not teach our children to put their trust in Christ, the world will surely teach them otherwise!
You are right, Lee Ann. This is scary! That’s why we write for the next generation–to plant God’s Word deep in their hearts before it is too late!
Thank you, Crystal! I give thanks for you my dear sister and all who continue to bring little ones to Christ!
Wow! Those stats are enough to scare the pants off you. Introducing children to God’s Word from very young is so important.