Read through the Bible – it isn’t too late
I started reading through the Bible again this year. January is the best time to get started since it’s the beginning of the year and New Year’s Resolutions are generally made on January 1 (and often broken by now, the 22nd). But it’s never too late to take on a new challenge, especially one that will spiritually enrich your life.
One of our former bloggers on our Christian Children’s Authors blog wrote an excellent guide for reading through the Bible called A Woman’s Guide to reading the Bible in a Year. And this year, she has also set up a group on Facebook to encourage women to read through the Bible in a year. I am enjoying the pace, which so far seems to be about three chapters a day. That lets me chew my way through the chapters and look for things I’ve missed when I read those passages before. So far we’ve read Genesis and Matthew, and we are ready to begin Exodus next. It is good to alternate between the Old and New Testaments.
I know this is already the third week in 2018, but it is never too late to start reading the Bible. It’s OK if you aren’t on the same chapter as anyone else. Just read and enjoy. If you want to catch up and participate with the group, plan to read 4-5 chapters a day until you are caught up, or just start where we are and read the rest when you find the time. Enjoy the journey!
PS: Men can read the Bible in a year too. 😉
A Woman’s Guide to reading the Bible in a Year (book)
Women Reading Through the Bible in a Year (Facebook group)
Thanks for writing about this, Janice! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the read-through so far and I appreciate your encouragement.
And as for men reading through and using the book, a men’s group at my church did! They photocopied the pages with the readings and background info, though, so they wouldn’t have to carry around such a feminine-looking book. LOL.
That’s funny about the men’s not wanting your feminine book. I do enjoy having our FB group to help keep me on target with my reading. Sometimes that kind of push is helpful to keep us plugging away and not giving up.