Do You Haiku?
Children love the rhyme and rhythm of poetry, the quick stories told in vivid language. If you’re unfamiliar with haiku, you’ll find them just a little different.
Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is usually about nature. It has only three lines. The last line is often unexpected, a surprise ending. The first and last line contain five syllables. The second line contains seven syllables. There is no rhyme, only the rhythm of the syllables. The words create a unique picture with that surprise ending. Here’s an example.
Thieves visit my house.
Black-capped, watching, snatching quick.
Chickadees in flight!
Were you expecting the thief to be a bird or the house to be a bird feeder? How did the first two lines make you feel? Did your emotions change with the last line?
Helping our children write haiku encourages them to use descriptive language in a playful way. The unexpected ending is almost like solving a riddle. Haiku is also way to capture those nature walks with God that are full of things to notice, but often contain overlooked surprises. Why not try journaling in haiku. Surprise us with what you discover. By the way, there are opportunities for kids to submit their writings. Guardian Angel Kids is a great place to start. They may just earn their first paycheck with a haiku.