God’s Reflection in Creation ~ by Kristie Wilde
All Creation declares the glory of God.
Jesus often uses His creation to communicate spiritual principles, and reveal God’s character. Because He designed, created and breathed life into all creation around us – it inherently reveals His character. We can learn a lot about Him by studying His creation.
Jesus conveys His resurrection using this example from creation –
John 12:23, 24 – But Jesus answered them, saying, “The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.
We, the followers of Christ, are the grain His death has produced.
We can use this world around us to teach the children in our lives many things about God.
Watch a chick hatch from an egg and talk about the wonder God’s wisdom revealed there.
Observe the grapevines after they’ve been pruned and discuss how and why God removes some things from our lives so new things can grow in and through us.
Watch a squirrel stashing away nuts and revel out loud over the amazing wisdom God placed inside that little squirrel.
Point out to them aspects of their own character God made unique to them, and let them know He loves the way He made them.
These may seem like deep concepts, but they can be shared in simple ways to meet the level of the child’s understanding. They will begin to connect the world around them with the God who created it.
There are wonderful discovery opportunities waiting. When we take our children and grandchildren out exploring God’s creation, with the purpose of discovering more about our Him, He reveals Himself in plentiful ways.
Another way to learn about God and explore His creation is through reading books, like, the Joyful Creation Series books, Made For a Purpose, So Great a Love. The 3rd book in this series, It’s a Jungle in Here, will be released April 6th.
Have a blessed Easter!
Kristie, what a great reminder of how we can teach children, about our savior, using the wonderful world he created! Thank you for this post!
An inspiring post! Thank you, Kristie!
I find great joy in enjoying nature with children. Thank you for reminding us to use the opportunity to point them to Christ as well.