Lenten Journey
Lenten symbols conversation and activity
It’s lent and a time to journey toward the cross. This activity can help you talk about lent and Easter.
Find objects related to the words to show or a picture of the object.Check out the verses to see how they relate to Jesus.
Chat about each one during lent. Decorate a Lenten tree with the symbols (cut from paper or use little toys).
Or fill a basket with the symbols and take one out each day to chat about it. That might be an Easter basket you’ll use later to celebrate that Jesus rose as you gather eggs.
Bowl, Matthew 27: 24-28 Nail, John 20:25
Cross, Hebrews 12:2 and John 19:17-18 Thorn, John 19:2,5
Purple cloth, Mark 15: 16-20 Ash, Matthew 11:21
Rooster, Luke 22:54-65 Ear, Luke 22:50-51
Sponge, John 19:28-30 Pray, Mark 14:35-39
Lamb, 1 Peter 1:19 and John 1:36 Heart, John 3:16
Dice, John 19:23-24 Kiss, Matthew 26:47-48
Silver coins, Matthew 26: 14-16 Flower for garden Matthew 26:30,36
Let your children play with the objects and chat again later in the day to see what they recall. It takes time for children to understand the sacrifice Jesus made and the facts around it. It’s good to simply introduce a little at a time and answer their questions.
Have fun building your child’s faith
What great ideas you offer, Karen, for sharing the message of Christ and the Resurrection! Thank yoU!