The Character Crunch by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio
If moral turbulence could be measured on the Richter scale, then the “soulquake” currently taking place in our country would warrant a solid ten. Although many factors have contributed to this moral shaking, at the core of it lies a radical failure in character.
What is character? Webster defines it as “moral excellence and firmness.” But what is meant by moral? In this day of slippery semantics, the word boasts nearly as many definitions as there are people. Having done away with the notion of absolute truth, we have, for the last fifty years, lived by the philosophy that moral is what each person determines it to be. Hence, the era of moral relativism and situational ethics.
Since character is rooted in morality, then according to the dictates of moral relativism, character, too, is what each person determines it to be. Given the essential depravity of fallen human nature void of absolute truth, such a relativistic philosophy eventually produces a society in which right is wrong and wrong is right.
Moral plumb line
When a builder constructs a wall, he uses a plumb line to ascertain whether or not the wall is straight. That plumb line is the builder’s standard of truth. Without it, he would find it virtually impossible to build a straight wall, and the resulting structure would be dangerously weakened and eventually crumble and fall.
The same principle applies in building a society. Without a moral plumb line — a standard of absolute truth — a society will eventually crumble and fall.
And the same principle applies in rearing children. Without a moral plumb line, the children of today will become the lawless ones of tomorrow.
Until the middle of the last century, the moral plumb line of America — her standard of absolute truth — was the Holy Bible and the principles of conduct contained therein. As a nation, we believed what the psalmist wrote regarding the Bible: “The entirety of Your word is truth” (Psalm 119:160).
All conduct was judged against this truth. Conduct consistent with it was considered moral. Conduct inconsistent with it was considered immoral. With the Bible as the plumb line of society, character was understood as that essential attribute whereby a person responded to situations according to the Bible’s absolute standard of conduct.
Crumbling walls
Today, however, we no longer subscribe to an absolute standard of truth or conduct. America has discarded her Biblical plumb line, and now her walls are crumbling. We have become “a nation that does not obey the voice of the LORD their God nor receive correction. Truth has perished and has been cut off from their mouth” (Jeremiah 7:28).
Without truth, there can be no character. Truth is the seed from which the tree of character grows, and moral conduct is the fruit of that tree. Jesus Christ observed, “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit” (Matthew 7:18), for as is the root, so is the fruit. Just as a tree is known by its fruit, so is a man’s character known by his conduct.
And so is a child’s.
Believing a lie
When we try to separate conduct from character, we advance the lie of relativism that makes right wrong and wrong right. Only destruction can result: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20).
Conduct can no more be separated from character than the tide can be separated from the sea. The great Athenian orator Aeschines (389-314 B.C.) observed: “He who acts wickedly in private life can never be expected to show himself noble in public conduct. He that is base at home will not acquit himself with honor abroad; for it is not the man, but only the place, that is changed.”
Legend has it that In the nineteenth century, Alexis de Tocqueville, a French statesman, wisely discerned that America was great because she was good, and that when America ceased to be good, she would cease to be great. The indifference toward character that we are witnessing today is a danger signal that America is ceasing to be good. If we continue on this path, we will surely cease to be great as well.
And our children and grandchildren will ultimately be the ones to suffer.
Copyright 2018 by Mary Ann Diorio, Ph. D. All rights reserved. This article may not be reprinted without the written permission of the author.
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version.
The Dandelion Patch by MaryAnn Diorio
A Picture Book on Character
Winner of “Best Book in Juvenile Fiction” in the 2017 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards Contest
When Yolanda Riggins discovers that the government plans to build a new highway through her beloved dandelion patch, she rises up in protest and asserts her God-given right to private ownership of property. Will she succeed against all odds to save her dandelion patch? Will tact, truth, and tough love win the day for Yolanda and the children who love her? Read this delightful book to find out.
Well said. What can we do to turn this around?
Great question Janice! As parents and grandparents, we can do the following:
1–We can first and foremost cultivate a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
2–We can pray for wisdom and discernment in rearing our children.
3–We can pray daily for our children.
4–We can use the Bible as the manual for rearing our children and make it our final authority.
5–We can obey the Word of God in every parenting or grandparenting situation even when it doesn’t make sense.
6–We can teach our children the Word of God and its application to daily life.
7–We can maintain strong lines of communication with our children.
8–We can love them unconditionally, knowing that God has a unique plan for each life.
I made many mistakes as a parent, but one thing I did right: Each night, I prayed over my children, asking God to make up for my failures with His grace. My children are now 44 and 40 years old. Both are serving the Lord and have never strayed from doing so. I owe this to God’s grace and His faithfulness in answering my prayers for my children. What He did for me, He will do for any parent or grandparent who trusts Him.