Summer Bug Fun
Summer is a time that many bugs crawl and buzz around us. Children like investigating little creatures, so consider examining them with them and also alerting them to any dangers.
Finding caterpillars that turn into butterflies that pollinate flowers and helpful ladybugs that get rid of pesky bugs shows them how insects help us. They may want to catch lightning bugs (fireflies) too and learn about bioluminescence. The special cells in their bellies light up and it helps them attract a mate.
However you might want to warn them about insects that sting and bite and teach them to be cautious and use insect repellents when they might be around some bugs that are harmful to people. Check out the ten most dangerous bugs and study those photos with your child.
Otherwise, have an adventure.
- Roll back a rock and see if there are beetles or other bugs.
- Use a magnifying glass to get a closer look.
- Watch ants build their hill and carry crumbs to store up food.
- Check out library books to find out about body parts and the number of legs that are part of various insects.
- Catch a spider web on black paper to see the intricate design. Let them try to shape bugs with chenille stems.
- Create a bug habitat with leaves, twigs, and a little dirt in a box. Add a tiny container of sugar water (a bottle cap) Put it out and see what crawls in.
- Read about the ant in the Bible in Proverbs 30:25 and discuss how God gave even tiny creatures wisdom.
Thank you for your resourceful post, Karen. My six-year-old grandson is a bug-seeker. :). When he visits, he searches my yard for all kinds of little creatures.
Just to add a point of interest: For those readers who live in New Jersey or who plan to visit, you may enjoy taking your children to Insectropolis, a fascinating bug museum located in Toms River. Here is the link to the website:
Thanks MaryAnn. It’s good to pass on such information. In south Florida many people enjoy Butterfly World.
Very fun post, Karen! You have inspired me to go bug hunting with my grandkids!
Have fun! I’ll be doing that in Connecticut next month with three grandsons!