Bible Verse Activities for Kids-I Thessalonians 5:17 and Genesis 1:1
This week’s Scripture memorization activity pack focuses on two more foundational verses, “Pray without ceasing,” and “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (I Thess. 5:17 and Genesis 1:1 KJV). It’s hard as children to be patient. If we’re honest, we’ll admit it’s not so easy as adults, either! One of the most memorable points I ever heard made about prayer is that we cannot think of it as a vending machine – insert the right combination and get what we ordered. Prayer is communication with our loving Father, the God of the universe. He knows far more than we can think or imagine. He wants us to talk with Him, just as any parent wants to have open communication with their children, but He also knows when to immediately answer with “yes” right away and when the answer of “no” or “not right now” is best. We need to encourage the children in our lives to keep talking to God, and even more importantly, to keep listening to Him and His direction.
Genesis 1:1 is a verse that is so familiar to most of us that it’s easy to overlook, but it is one of the most important verses in the entire Bible and one that, not surprisingly, is most under attack today. The Creation account is establishes God’s authority over nature and mankind, His plan for perfection, His plan for the family, man’s sin and fall (which is why God must sometimes, in love, answer “no” or “not right now”) and God’s promise of redemption. If you could use some help teaching your kids the scientific evidence for Creation, check out all the incredible and free resources on Creation Science 4 Kids.
Bible Verse Activities for Kids-I Thessalonians 5:17 and Genesis 1:1 — No Comments
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