Evidence for Evolution ?
Have you ever served on a jury panel? If yes, you may recall being asked by one of the opposing attorneys to “consider the evidence with an open mind.”
It’s time we applied that same principle to other areas of life. Take evolution, for example…
In schools across our country and around the world, the theory of evolution is deceptively portrayed as a fact. Much of the scientific community would have us believe dinosaurs walked the earth 60 million years ago.
What you may not realize is that evidence to the contrary exists, even while it is being dismissed.
Wait a minute…you mean you haven’t heard of this evidence that refutes the “millions of years” theory? Allow me to share…
In June 2012, a Canadian team of scientists in Alberta discovered a fossil of a hadrosaur, often referred to as the duck-billed dinosaur. But this particular fossil offered a surprise. This fossil included a piece of skin. Yes, skin.
Now for the evidentiary question. How could soft tissue such as skin survive without decay for 60 million years?
The short answer is…it can’t. The skin is made of collagen, which is a type of protein. It can last, at the most, several hundred thousand years. A far cry from 60 million.
If you think this discovery is a one-of-a-kind anomaly, think again.
As far back as 1992, paleontologist Mary Schweitzer discovered soft tissue on pieces of dinosaur bones. The substance appeared similar to red blood cells. Her discovery was documented in an issue of Scientific American in 2010.
Need another example? In 2012, the largest triceratops horn ever found was discovered in Montana by Mark Armitage, a scientist associated with California State University Northridge. He found soft tissue on the horn and published his findings in two magazines, including a peer-reviewed journal.
How was Armitage honored for this amazing discovery? He was fired from the university due to a supposed lack of funding for his “temporary” position.
Evolutionists’ millions-of-years theory cannot account for these soft tissue finds. But the Creation model of a young-earth is consistent with the evidence. The Genesis account of a worldwide flood would explain the discovery of fossils buried up to 6,000 years ago…and the survival of soft tissue on these fossils.
So when you discuss the theory of evolution with your young children and older teens, consider the evidence for evolution. All the evidence.
You’ll find that it makes a pretty good case for creation!
Thank you for this wonderful post. There is so much evidence against evolution that I find it ludicrous that it is still taught as fact. But the politics of our public education system won’t let anything be taught that might favor a Biblical foundation for creation, so their myths continue to be taught as fact.
Thank you, Janice. Yes, the evidence is there, if only people would look!