Losing A Generation
As parents, we have the best job in the world! We are charged with the great mission of introducing every new generation to Christ! There can be no greater calling than that!
Most days, we are excited to accomplish this mission for the love we have for our Lord. Still, all of us are bound to experience those days when we simply don’t feel up to the job. Maybe the baby was sick, and so we didn’t get enough sleep at night. Maybe household chores have been piling up and going unattended. Maybe work at the office has been stressful lately. The list goes on and on.
No matter the difficulty of our situation, we must stay strong and rely on the Lord to give us guidance. The cost of neglecting our mission to raise our children up in the Lord is too high. Statistics already tell us that 70% of professing Christians who are active in their church or youth group will stop attending by the time they are 20 to 22 years old. Meanwhile, only 20% of people under the age of 30 believe that attending church is essential.
So how can we be good stewards of this parenting mission that is mandated by our Lord? I recommend the following:
- Prayer & Action: Set your priorities according to God’s commands, and start working towards actively achieving them!
- Rely on God: Rely on the Word of God, be obedient to His Word, and trust in Him during those times when everything seems to be going wrong!
- Rest in God’s Sovereignty: Take comfort in the fact that the Lord is sovereign in all things!
Remember that, as Christian parents, we are all part of the same team, working together to raise the next generation of young Christians. In times of discouragement, we must find our resolve in the knowledge that we cannot afford to lose one generation, lest we risk losing an entire culture.
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