Dealing with Teen Depression by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio
Some teen angst is normal, but when your teenage remains in a continual state of depression over a prolonged period, it’s time to delve deeper.
One reason for teen depression that is often overlooked by Christian parents is the possibility of demonic activity. When all sources of teen depression have been over-ruled–such as health and hormonal issues and traumatic psychological issues (bullying, peer pressure, etc.)–wise parents will consider demonic activity as a probable cause of their child’s depression.
What should you look for when you suspect demonic activity as the cause of your teen’s depression? Here are a few areas to explore:
1–Has your child been involved in games or activities that open doors to demonic activity–like Ouija boards, Pokemon, video games dealing with the paranormal, or reading horoscopes?
2–Has your child participated in Yoga, the Martial Arts, or other activities rooted in Eastern mysticism?
3–Has your child viewed horror movies, read horror novels, or listened to music whose lyrics are clearly demonic?
4–Has your child been involved with drugs or alcohol or gone to places where drugs or alcohol were used?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions, ask your teen. The activities described above open doors (sometimes called entries or portals) to the demonic realm.
So, what should you do if your teen’s depression is caused by demonic activity?
1–Seek deliverance for your teen by praying for him and casting out all demons. If you are not familiar with how to cast out demons, go to your pastor or to someone experienced in deliverance ministry.
2–Advise your teen to repent of all activity that opened the door to demons and to break all ties with such activity.
3–Urge your teen to accept Christ as Savior and Lord and to cultivate a deep personal relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ.
Teen depression can be overcome by the power of Jesus Christ. If you are a Christ-Follower, you have that power residing within you. Use it with faith and gratitude!
Copyright 2018 by MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, DMin, MFA. All Rights Reserved.
Keisha has a new baby sister. Tamara’s arrival has triggered fear and jealousy in Keisha. She fears that Mama will love Tamara more than Mama loves Keisha. But when Mama uses three special candles to demonstrate what love is, Keisha learns that there is always enough love to go around.
Hi Dr. MaryAnn,
I’m a Christian author (and contributor to this blog) and a public elementary school librarian. I was interested to see Pokemon listed as a source of demonic activity. I’m curious about this because so many of the boys love Pokemon, but I don’t actually know that much about it other than it originated in Japan. I read one of our Pokemon books recently, and the characters seemed pretty innocuous; this was a very easy reader, however, and I’m sure that other books have broader content. Is there anything in particular that sets Pokemon apart from other fictional creatures? Thanks so much!
Thank you for your excellent question, Sonja! When looking at a practice that has become very common with children or adults, we should always look at the root. Why? Because the root determines the fruit.
The root of Pokemon is found in Eastern mysticism, which is in direct conflict with Christianity. The same is true of practices like Yoga that have become commonplace in many churches.
Pokemon means “pocket monsters.” Monsters are demonic characters who have their roots in real demons. Christians should have nothing to do with demons other than casting them out.
Much spiritual harm has come to children who have been involved with Pokemon. Because the game has its roots in a demonic philosophy, playing it opens doors to demonic activity in a child’s life.
Additional resources you may wish to explore include:
“Why Playing Pokemon Games Is a Bad Idea”
“What is Pokemon’s Worldview?” – Focus on the Family
Many blessings,