12 Days of Christmas Books: Featuring The First Christmas by Janice D Green
Where can I find a Christmas book that is engaging for the whole family, will encourage us to focus on the true meaning of Christmas, plus provide discussion questions and activities? Look no further, as The First Christmas by Janice D. Green has all of this. Keep reading for a chance to win a free copy in the 12 Days of Christmas Books Giveaway.
Each of the twelve two-page spreads in The First Christmas tells of the events leading up to the birth of the Christ child. And each mini-story comes with two or three questions to engage the children in meaningful discussions and to help them truly relate to what happened long ago. Each mini-story can be used as a stand-alone for reading the book over several days, especially for the family that wishes to use it with daily family devotions. Illustrations by Violet Vandor are colorful and expressive, able to draw children of all ages into the narrative. The First Christmas is written in an easy to read and understand style suitable for young children, yet includes a surprisingly complete and Biblically accurate retelling of the events, as compared to most Bible picture books.
Downloadable coloring pages and more are available to complement this book and can be used for coloring quilt blocks as well as the usual coloring activities. Directions are included in the download. A free copy of the coloring pages will be included with today’s giveaway.
More about the 12 Days of Christmas Book Giveaway:
The Christian Children’s Authors blogging team wants to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Spending time with your children as you read a picture book or children’s novel together is a beautiful way to celebrate Christmas, especially when the book is one that highlights the true meaning of the holiday.
Because we are passionate about Christmas, reading, and celebrating the birth of Christ, we are hosting a unique give-away. 12 Christmas books in 12 days! <=Click this link to see the schedule and names of the authors who are participating in this giveaway.
Enter each day for a chance to win a different Christmas picture book or novel to enjoy with your family. (USA addresses only due to postage costs)
To enter:
- Leave a comment stating why you would like to win this book.
- For extra chances to win, share the link to this post.
- Include the link(s) in your comment so I can see where you shared it. One extra chance to win per share.
I will include the names from the comments (including duplicates for shares) and do a random drawing on December 1st. The winner’s name will be added to this post as well as in the comments.
We hope you will join us for this very special give-away offer. Merry Christmas!
CONGRATULATIONS TO LAURALEE HENSLEY, winner of the first book in our giveaway, The First Christmas.
I would like to win this book because I am trying to build the children’s library at our church. And Christmas is my favorite season. I love the tell the children the real story of Christmas.
So happy to receive your entry. A church library is a perfect place for this book as it would be shared with many children.
I would love to share this book with my grandchildren. They love to color so coloring pages would be a great addition. I’m also a quilter, so I am curious about the quilt blocks! All of it sounds fabulous!
Thank you Karen. I will include you in the drawing. You might like my Bible Quilts blog at http://www.biblequilts.com
I would love to win this book to help my daughters (ages 2 & 9mo) learn more about the Christmas story and build a good foundation on why we celebrate! My 2 year old loves to read books, and color! I think it would be a great tool to help me lay a Biblical foundation for my girls!
You are right. This book does lay a good foundation for understanding the real reason we have Christmas in the first place. It may be a little over their heads, especially the first few pages, since your girls are so young. You might do the first few pages about John and Elizabeth by telling it briefly in your own words and then move on to the parts that will be easier to understand. If you use the book every year they will get more out of it each time they hear it.
While our boys were small, we gave them a new Christmas book every year, to be opened on Christmas Eve so we could read it together. Shopping for the books each year was so fun, I couldn’t make my mind up, so I bought multiples and sent books to my brothers’ families as well. Now that my nieces are grown and starting their own families, I want to continue the tradition for them. Thank you for sharing your craft! -Laurie
What a wonderful tradition. I hope you will win one or more of our books in our 12 Days of Christmas giveaway.
I’d love to win so that I could read this to my grandkids every day leading up to Christmas and maybe start a tradition.
I can’t think of a better reason to want this book. Thank you for entering.
Janice, this book is a wonderful resource for family devotionals!
I am presently in the planning stages of beginning a new ministry by developing my church’s library. I would love to make this available for my brothers and sisters in Christ who might not be able to purchase their own copy.
I am sharing on my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ReneDianeAube and my twitter page: http://www.twitter.com/WriterReneDiane
I would love to see The First Christmas in your church’s library. Thank you for sharing it as well.
I’d like to win because it includes questions to ask the children to help engage them in the story so they’ll remember it longer and it will have more meaning to them. I like that it is in mini-story format style so if you have smaller and older little children, you can determine to stop after one mini-story or go on reading further depending upon their attention span. We prefer Christian written stories for the little ones.
Thank you for entering Lauralee. The First Christmas is truly readable one mini-story at a time or all in one sitting. It all depends on how you plan to incorporate it into other lessons. You might be interested to know that I have written more about each of the mini-stories on a series of posts on another blog. Here is the URL: http://honeycombadventures.com/2015/12/the-first-christmas-for-teens-and-older-children/ and another place to find the series: http://biblebites4you.com/blog/2016/01/06/the-first-christmas-a-series-of-posts/
I would love these books for my 2 “Little Neices” (and one one the way…)ages 5 and 1 years old, to help their very busy mom to”Raise them up in the way that they should go, so they will not depart from it.”
They are very precious, as are all children…
God Bless You and all those whom your books will bless, Amen😇
And the winner is Lauralee Hensley! Congratulations Lauralee!