12 Days of Christmas Books: Featuring Little Shepherd by Cheryl Malandrinos
One reviewer called my picture book, Little Shepherd, a “fresh and faithful look at the nativity story.” That was certainly the goal when writing it. Keep reading for a chance to win a free copy in the 12 Days of Christmas Books Giveaway.
In the hills outside Bethlehem, young Obed is tending his first flock. Then the angel appears. Based on Scripture, we know the shepherds were afraid, but that the angel comforted them and told them he brought “good news.” With a mountain of reservations, Obed leaves his flock behind to go “see this thing that has happened.” That moment this little shepherd steps out in faith, he discovers it is a night of miracles.
It is my sincere prayer that your Christmas season is filled with blessings and everyday miracles.
More about the 12 Days of Christmas Book Giveaway:
The Christian Children’s Authors blogging team wants to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Spending time with your children as you read a picture book or children’s novel together is a beautiful way to celebrate Christmas, especially when the book is one that highlights the true meaning of the holiday.
Because we are passionate about Christmas, reading, and celebrating the birth of Christ, we are hosting a unique give-away. 12 Christmas books in 12 days! <=Click this link to see the schedule and names of the authors who are participating in this giveaway.
Enter each day for a chance to win a different Christmas picture book or novel to enjoy with your family. (USA addresses only due to postage costs)
To enter:
- Leave a comment stating why you would like to win this book.
- For extra chances to win, share the link to this post.
- Include the link(s) in your comment so I can see where you shared it. One extra chance to win per share.
I will include the names from the comments (including duplicates for shares) and do a random drawing on December 8th. The winner’s name will be added to this post as well as in the comments. Residents of the US receive a softcover and international winners a PDF copy.
We hope you will join us for this very special give-away offer. Merry Christmas!
Thanks for sharing, Cheryl. Shepherds are an important part of the Christmas story. I’d share your book with my youngest granddaughter who loves the sheep and shepherd of my nativity scene the most!
Thanks for visiting, Karen. How nice that your granddaughter has such an affection for sheep. They are adorable. 🙂
Another great book to have around to read to the grandkids.
Thanks, Johannah. Reading with little ones is so much fun.
Love the concept that the shepherds stepped out in faith. I have 4 grandkids who would love this. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for visiting, Robin. What a blessing to have so many little ones around to share the love of reading.
Random.org has chosen Karen as the winner. Thanks to all of you for your comments. Wishing you a blessed Christmas season.
Thank you, Cheryl!