Feeding Our Families
Have you noticed how large our families are? I don’t mean the number in our family. I’m referring to the size of our waists. I’d say we are a portly people. Could it be we have feasted on the king’s meat (Daniel 1:5) and now find ourselves in an unhealthy predicament? Do we even know what’s healthy anymore?
Many of us were taught to eat what was set before us and to clean our plates because there were hungry children in China. It was a way to teach us to be grateful for what God had provided. But are we depending on God to provide or are we depending on fast food and hyped-up food ads to convince us of what we need to eat in our fast-paced lives? Few of us grow our own food. Fewer of us even know how to read food labels to glean the best from the supermarkets. What are we to do?
I’d like to introduce you to two Christian ladies who have some inexpensive ideas for feeding our families in a more Biblical and healthy way. Don’t be fooled by the title, Trim Healthy Mama (THM). Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison have large families to feed while homeschooling children and living modern lives. Their plan is not a diet to lose weight quickly. It’s a healthy lifestyle plan the whole family can enjoy and benefit from. They also attest to the fact that God’s plan is the best plan.
I admit I’m not always good at staying “on plan”. None of us are, but there is what Pearl and Serene call “forgiveness” in three hours. You see if you just have to have that doughnut at work and you give in to that social and sugar craving, then in three hours, you can go right back on plan with little to no harm done. Now mind you this can’t be an everyday thing, but we all have those once in a great while days along with birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Changing our mindset and encouraging out families with good tasting, healthy foods will go a long way in creating the healthy bodies our Lord intended us to have.
I’d like to leave you with this thought in hopes it will inspire us to take care of our families so that we might continue in the work God has called us to do.
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. I Corinthians 6:19,20
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