Recognizing God’s Love
Instilling in our children the experience of feeling and recognizing God’s love is one of the most important gifts we give them, especially for difficult times they will inevitably face. As we share with them our simple stories—our daily experiences of feeling God’s love—our children can apply this to themselves, and develop their own growing awareness of God, and His immense love and tenderness for them—each one, individually.
In this 4 min video, I tell the story of how heart-shaped rocks have become “love notes from God” to me.
Twenty years after my first experience of pairing a heart shape in nature with a message of God’s love for me, I was asked to be on a board of directors representing millions of children. I was utterly overwhelmed, and doubted my ability to contribute meaningfully, especially when I had not been blessed with marriage or children of my own. I dropped everything and went to the mountains to pray for guidance and God’s approval that He would have me do this. As I began the five-mile hike to my favorite lake, I started noticing heart-shaped rocks every few steps! After tossing hands full of heart rocks into my backpack, less than one mile in, I started laughing, and then crying. I sat on a boulder, and dumped out my now heavy pack, and watched the love tumble to the ground. In tears I said out loud, “Yes Lord, I see. Thank you for speaking to me in a way I can understand. I will trust you, and take this humble step into the unknown, and accept this service opportunity.”
You see, I have a mother who taught me as a young child to look for God in His creations; to listen for God by feeling the subtle impressions of the Holy Spirit, and to rest in God in stillness. She made all the difference in how I would experience my entire life.
In this 3-min video, I use a pile of my heart-rocks to create the last page of my newest book that was just released a few weeks ago, He is Risen – Rocks Tell the Story of Easter. You may have seen the 1-minute viral version; but here I’m showing a rarely seen, longer 3-minute version. I feel it makes the point better that not only does God love us, but we can show our love to Him as well. And in doing so, we deepen this essential and powerful relationship that will never end.
Thank you, parents and caregivers for teaching our children. Your influence is rippling through eternity in all that matters – souls turned to God.
What a blessing this was to me, Patti! Thank you so very much! Just as God has spoken to you of His love for you through rocks, He has done so to me through cardinals. Because of an earlier encounter with our Heavenly Father through a cardinal, He now sends cardinals my way whenever I need reassurance or a reminder of His great love for me. How good He is to us!
Thank you again for your moving video! I could feel your heart. I will be sharing your story with others who need to hear it.
Blessings as you write for King Jesus!
MaryAnn, Cardinals! what a wonderful example of how God knows us individually and talks to us in ways we can hear and understand, unique for each person! Thank you for sharing your light.
Many years ago, my husband, Greg, and I were struggling. I had resigned from my job to stay at home with our children, and money was very tight. I can’t remember what occasion was coming up–Christmas? Greg’s birthday? But I didn’t have any way to buy him a present. I had an impulse to find a smooth rock that he could keep in his pocket, a “worry rock” that he could stroke when he was anxious. Right outside our apartment, I found a white rock shaped like a heart.
From that day on, Greg has always had a heart-shaped rock in his pocket. (It’s been replaced a few times, as sometimes the rock escapes through a hole.)
Dear ARHuelsenbeck, thank you for sharing your story. There is something special about heart-shaped rocks, and the freely given gifts God gives us!
I absolutely loved both videos. Seeing the Lord in His creation is one of my favorite ways to teach children. Thanks for sharing your books and videos.