Take Inventory
I had such great plans for how I wanted to start the new year. Get organized. Declutter and simplify. Take inventory of where I am and where I want to be. But we’re already two months down and I haven’t begun!
When I was in high school, I worked in the toy department of a department store. Twice a year, we prepared for an outside firm to take inventory. We worked with these teams to count every item on the shelves, and I do mean every item. We even included incomplete or damaged toys and games to ensure everything was counted.
Today I use the concept of taking inventory in other areas of life.
For example, before I head out to the supermarket, I examine the pantry and the refrigerator to determine what we need. On those occasions when I forget this important step, the result is too many of some groceries and not enough of others.
What was good for the toy department and for my pantry is also good for my spiritual life. I need to take inventory on a regular basis to evaluate my spiritual condition. The end of one year and the beginning of another seems to be the right time to ask myself some pointed questions. And even though we’re two months into 2019, I’m subscribing to the adage, “Better late than never!” So this month I intend to:
Take stock
Proverbs 27:23 tells us to “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds.”
In biblical times, wealth was often measured by the size of one’s flocks and herds. Today we usually measure wealth by the size of our bank accounts. But true wealth has nothing to do with counting dollars. So I will be asking myself:
- How have I grown in my relationship with the Lord this past year?
- Which fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) have I cultivated?
- How have my earthly relationships grown and developed?
Submit to a check-up
Psalm 139:23 gives us a glimpse into King David’s heart as he pleaded with God: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.”
It’s natural to want to avoid dealing with unpleasant things. But some things must be dealt with or the consequences will be worse than the confrontation! I may not want to face the areas of my life that require changing, but I do want to be all God desires for me to be. This means asking:
- What habits from the old year am I dragging into the new year?
- What bitterness or resentment do I need to let go?
- Who do I need to forgive before the new year begins?
Tackle some planning
Proverbs 16:3 admonishes us, “Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.”
Like many people, I live a busy life. Without plans and lists, my schedule would soon fall apart. But I also want to be sensitive to God’s plans for me, because I know He has them! Jeremiah 29:11 reminds me, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” In order to be available for what God desires for me, I am asking myself:
- Am I serving where I want to serve or where God has called me to serve?
- How tightly am I holding on to my own agenda and ambitions?
- How much flexibility is there is my calendar? Am I open to God’s interruptions?
One year from now, I hope to be doing this exercise again (hopefully a little earlier in the year). It’s my prayer that I will not have wasted the time God extended to me.
What questions are you asking yourself this year?
Better late than never is so right, Ava. I set goals every year and do my best to review them once a quarter. I’ve taken goal setting to a new level this year with a vision board, a daily planner, and doing my best to stick with time blocking my calendar–this is the hardest.
Those last three questions under “Tackle some planning” are often tough to answer for me. I pray that I am open to God’s plan in my life instead of pushing forward with my own agenda.
The last three questions are often tough for me to answer, too, Cheryl!
I also use a daily planner, but I haven’t tried time-blocking yet. Good idea!