Bible Verse Activities for Kids-Psalm 66:1 and Romans 10:13
The world spends a lot of time telling kids how different we all are. There is always pressure to be more like so-and-so, to achieve more, to do more, to somehow be more. So for this set of verses, I decided to focus on two ways we are all the same. Psalm 66:1 tells us to, “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands” (KJV). No matter who you are, what you have or don’t have, or what you have or haven’t done, you are invited to praise God with all your heart. He turns no one away. He tells us in Romans 10:13 that, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (ESV). We are all invited, and we are all in need of salvation. When we look at our own lives, it’s easy to see our shortcomings, but how incredible it is to realize that the God of the universe has invited us into a relationship with Him. He wants us. He loves to hear our hearts and our voices lifted to Him. What an incredible God and Father! Help the children in your lives commit these two verses to heart with these fun memorization activities.
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