Spring Renewal
Janine di Giovanni once said, “Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.” As a reporter who spent decades covering conflicts in the Middle East, she may have a different idea of how meaningful that is than you or I, but we still long for all that the Resurrection of Christ symbolizes.
In a dark world where violence and crime can sometimes drown out the touching and heroic stories of every day people, Easter reminds us that God is in control. What’s more important–Satan knows it. While Satan does his best to fight it, the Book has already been written.
The Church will be taken up.
Christ will come again.
The God of Peace will crush Satan: “He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15).
Let’s make a point to focus on the meaning of Easter. Let’s rededicate ourselves to our relationship with our Lord and Savior. May we spend the rest of the year remembering that no matter what we face, God is in control. The battle has been won!
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