A Sinless Sinner
After much soul-searching, praying, and reading, I believe that I now understand how I can claim to be “a sinless sinner.”
The root cause of my sinless-yet-sinful state is the dual nature that lives and dwells within me. Every single moment of the day, I must actively choose to take every thought captive to Christ. I must do this because I have been betrothed to Jesus Christ, and therefore I am one with the God of all creation. This amazing truth fuels my desire to be like Jesus. Whether male or female, God made every human being in His image. Just as Adam needed a bride who could be equally yoked with him, Jesus, the new Adam, needed a bride who could be equally yoked with Him. All who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior are called to be that bride. The two shall be made one.
God chose the perfect gift for His son. Only one gift could express the amount of love God had for His only son, and that gift was everyone who has accepted the Lord’s proposal.
Because of this amazing reality, my inheritance is nothing less than the kingdom of God itself, and I am truly without need of anything. This understanding has transformed me into a woman who is less stressed, worried, and anxious than ever before in my life. It has given me the freedom to share God’s love and His message of salvation with others. I am not just a mother, wife, sister, author, teacher, or speaker. Those titles only relate to the experiences I have had here on earth. Far more significantly, I am a woman who has been raised in Christ. My true identity is what the Father has called me to be—the sinless bride of His Son! In those times when I find myself struggling with my looks, my identity, my purpose, or my self-worth, I must simply look in the mirror and envision the wedding crown that God will one day place on my head, which was paid for by the crown of thorns placed upon my Heavenly Bridegroom.
I view the world differently now that I have this understanding. For those who have been the victims of a rude neighbor, a critical spouse, a rebellious teenager, a thankless boss, a two-faced friend, or any other person who has caused them wrong, take comfort. Seek the healing medicine that our Great Physician dispenses from His heavenly pharmacy that is open 24-7. Rejoice in your freedom from sin, and let the Fruit if the Holy Spirit be your wedding dress for all to see. You are the beautiful bride of the Son of God, and your wedding feast will last forever and ever!
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