FREE Bible Verse Activities for Kids-Psalm 118:24 and Genesis 18:14
Being glad in each day isn’t always easy, even for kids. They might be facing a tough school subject, conflicts with a sibling, an illness, anxiety over any number of issues, or many other challenges, both big and small. It can be hard for them (and for us) to embrace each day, especially if they tend to worry. You can help the kids in your life face these feelings by seeing how these two verses can be paired.
The Bible reminds us that, “This is the day which the Lord hath made” and reminds us that we can, “rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (KJV). It also reminds us that God has asked (and answered), “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?” Genesis 18:14 (KJV)
No matter what we are facing, nothing is too hard for the Lord. No obstacle, no worry, no feeling. These activities include one that reminds kids that Jesus is better than any superhero. There is nothing beyond Him, and unlike the pretend superheroes we read about, Jesus is real.
Help your kids and students commit these two verses to heart with this free downloadable Bible verse activities set.
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